The mission of the Komitas Choir of St. John Armenian Church is to bring glory to God through worship and music by participating and actively leading the congregation in all church services. Our mission strives to achieve many goals, such as:
- Participate actively in all church services.
- To benefit individually and collectively from our musical heritage as handed down to us by our church ancestors.
- To work for the advancement of the rich Armenian musical culture while enlightening and educating both Armenians and non-Armenians alike.
- To instill the love of Armenian music in the hearts of the young American Armenians in our community.
Dn. Rubik Mailian – Director of Sacred Music
Deacon Rubik has directed the Komitas Choir since May 1998 and has served as Pastoral Assistant at St. John Armenian Church. He holds graduate level music and theology degrees from the University of Houston, St. Nersess Seminary, and St. Vladimir’s Seminary. A graduate of St. Nersess and St. Vladimir Seminaries, Deacon Mailian has presented many articles and lectures about Armenian Music especially history, practice, and the performance of early Armenian Church music in the Eastern and Western Dioceses of the Armenian Church in the United States and Europe. His article about Armenian Neumes (Xazer) was published in “The Center of Spirituality East-West” by Michael Lacko in Kosice, Slovakia periodical in February 2005. Deacon Mailian is an active member of the American Choral Directors Association, Chorus America, Sacred Music Council, and the Diocesan Liturgical Committee for the publication of new books.
Join Us!
The Komitas Choir warmly welcomes new members. Come join a group of people of all ages who come together to serve the Lord through their love of music. The choir participates in Holy Badarak on Sunday mornings. Practices take place Thursday evenings.
If you are interested in joining the choir or would like more information, please contact Deacon Rubik at rubik@sjachurch.org or call (248)569-3405.