
Christian Stewardship is a biblical concept. Biblically a Steward is an overseer of a household or a caretaker if you will. As Armenian Christians, our church is our household which as a community we are all called to care for.

“Each one must do as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under
compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Romans 9:7)

St. John Armenian Church used to have a “membership” system which was based
on an annual set gift per person. In 2020, St. John became part of our Diocesan
Stewardship Pilot Program which asks that each individual make an annual
commitment to St. John each and every year through a Pledge Card. Our parishioners are asked to consider their relationship with God as well as their relationship with St. John and offer an annual gift from their heart. In some cases, individuals give whatever they can give. In other cases, individuals give above and beyond in gratitude for in the many ways God blesses them through the ministry of St. John Armenian Church.

Be a Steward of St. John Armenian Church

Become a Steward of St. John Armenian Church by making an annual pledge of any dollar amount. Your annual stewardship commitment will help sustain our parish and contribute towards its growth. If you like what St. John’s does in our community and want to ensure future generations will always have a place of worship to call their home in the years ahead, please support us by becoming a Steward.