Ways to Give

Discover the power of legacy and impact with our endowment program at St. John Armenian Church. Through thoughtful giving, you can create a lasting legacy that supports our mission for generations to come. Whether you wish to contribute to our ongoing ministries, support special projects, or ensure the future stability of our church, an endowment offers a meaningful way to make a lasting difference. Join us in building a stronger, more vibrant community rooted in faith and service.

Making a difference by supporting one of our ministries:

  • Social Concern Fund
  • Youth Programs and Ministries through the Youth Activities Fund
  • Charitable and Outreach Ministries
  • Sanctuary Restoration Reserve

Please contact the Pastor for more information: fraren@sjachurch.org

Contribute to Our SJAC Endowment Fund

Gifts can be made from four sources:

  1. Disposable income
  2. Appreciated assets (securities, annuities, real estate, etc.).
    • Some individuals find it convenient (and advantageous for tax purposes) to directly contribute shares of stocks or mutual funds, where St. John receives the full market value of your securities.
  3. Estate giving usually in the form of a future gift as a bequest in a will and/or a Living Trust where St. John is named as the beneficiary.
  4. Life insurance policy where St. John is named as the beneficiary.

All of the above sources of donations can be designated as either Restricted or Non-Restricted.

For more information on the ways of Giving, please contact the Pastor: fraren@sjachurch.org